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Manage and edit your employee database here.

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On the Employees page, you have a lot of information from all your employees. However, what exactly you get to see or what actions you can perform is determined by the permissions you were granted. The employees page looks like this:

Further in this article, we describe for you the different views, as well as the methods for filtering specific information. But first, we explain how to add employees.

Add and invite employees

At the top of the EMPLOYEES page you have two options:

Add employee

If you choose the option ADD EMPLOYEE, you are responsible for entering all personal information. This often happens with the employee at your side. When you add an employee, this person does not receive an invitation via e-mail. His or her account is already active and ready to use.

CrewTip! After you have entered all data and added the employee, you still need to approve the profile by editing the profile before you can schedule the employee. When you approve this profile, you confirm that you are responsible for this information and that you have permission from the employee to process their data.

Next, you will still have to approve the identity, just as with a profile that was invited.

You will then be directed to the page below with the following tabs: PERSONAL DETAILS, CONTACT, PROFILE, ACCOUNT and WORKING HOURS where you need to complete the necessary information.

CrewTip! you are required to complete the fields marked with a red asterisk.

  1. Personal details

    We explain the main points:

    Supervisor (yes / no): When adding an employee, you can choose to make him / her supervisor. A supervisor has some additional rights that are explained in this article.

    Departments: It is wise to determine which departments you would like to add new employees to. You have the option of dividing an employee into as many departments as you wish. For example:

    Employee number: This function is optional. If you work internally with a system in which you give your employees a code or number, you can note this here.

    IBAN and BIC or SWIFT code: enter the bank details of an employee here so that you can pay them to the correct account. BACS is also accepted.

    CrewTip! An employee can adjust some personal information in his or her profile, but not an account number. This is to avoid discussions about payments not received. They can of course always contact you to make a change.

    Contract type: Depending on what you agree with an employee regarding his/her contract, please indicate this in this list. The list depends on your sector and can, for example, look like this:

    CrewTip! As soon as the end date of a Fixed-term contract has been reached, you can no longer schedule this employee. Via the module CONTRACTS EXPIRING on your DASHBOARD, you can retain an overview of this.

    Method of Travel: adjust the method of travel and by consequence the travel allowance for this employee in case it deviates from the standards settings. Read more about transport allowance here.

    Civil status: This is standard data that an employee provides you with.

    Dependents and Disabled: These data are important in connection with the wage calculation.

    After entering the necessary data, select NEXT to continue.

  2. Contact

    The information you need to enter in the CONTACT tab is obvious.

    ICE stands for 'In Case of Emergency'. Here we mean as the title indicates that it is a contact person in case of emergency.

    CrewTip! When entering the phone number, use the arrow at the front to choose the correct country by selecting the corresponding flag and enter a correct phone number.

  3. Profile

    The details you enter in the PROFILE tab are for helping out the planner:

    You can indicate which driving license an employee has, whether or not they have a car and can take passengers. If the measurements are given, special clothing can be provided for a project. By entering the languages, it is also possible to select people who have the necessary languages ​​for a specific project.

  4. Account

    Here you find the CrewPlanner account data.

    If the employee is with you, you can let them choose a password. If not, you can agree a password with the employee so that they can change it quickly. Furthermore, the employee is free to choose whether availability can be requested by email if you use this functionality.

Finally, select ADD EMPLOYEE. As indicated earlier, you still need to approve the profile before you can schedule the employee. Please note that only after you have also approved the identity can any Dimonas or contracts be processed. You do this by editing the profile again via the pencil icon. Then select APPROVE IDENTITY in the PERSONAL DETAILS tab.

Invite employee(s)

Inviting one or more employees is possible in 3 different ways, as shown below:

  1. Send invitation

    This option is quite straight forward. You enter the first and last name of the employee, enter the email address and finally select in which departments they should be added. By clicking the plus sign you can add extra people, so that you can invite everyone at once. For example:

    After you send the invitation, the employee will receive an email. Using the link in the email, the employee should complete the registration. More information on this can be found here.

    After the employee completes the registration, they will receive the status Required approval identity and you need to approve the profile. You can read how here.

    CrewTip! Employees can already submit availabilities even if they have not yet been approved and you can already schedule them on future projects.

  2. Import CSV

    You can upload an Excel or CSV file to import and invite a group of employees in one go. You can create such a file via applications such as Microsoft Excel and Google Drive. Essentially, a CSV is a spreadsheet where each column has its own cell attribute:

    If you already have an overview of your employees, importing their data into CrewPlanner is easy. At a minimum, the list must contain their email address, first and last name.

    In the list of terms you can use to create a CSV file, which can be found on our website, you will see in the second column called REQUIRED, a check mark next to first name, last name and e-mail address. This means that these fields are mandatory. Any lines in your document where the first name, surname or e-mail address are not filled in, or not filled in correctly, will not be imported.

    The more data you put in the file, the more information is already filled in for the employees when they complete their registration. We strongly recommend that you have employees double-check all this information.

    You can even add your employees' already known availabilities to your import by adding to the file the days on which they are available via the initial_available_days field. To do this, you use the format yyyy-mm-dd, separated by commas.

    CrewTip! In addition, be careful when formatting a file with the information you complete for the 'is_identity_verified', 'accepted_terms_of_service' and 'accepted_privacy_policy' fields. We recommend keeping the value 'no' for these fields so that the employee can complete them themselves during the registration process.

    CrewTip! If you already wish to include the correct department(s) for your employees in the import, please only use the names noted in English and the following format: 'department group A-department A, department group B-department B...'.

    This means that you cannot use a "-" sign in the names of your department groups and departments, otherwise you will not be able to import this information correctly.

    However, you can also import departments via the ID number, separated by commas. You can find this number in the URL link at the top, if you select the pencil icon next to the relevant department(s).

    For example:

    From this URL, you can see that the ID number for this department is 2106.

    You can download a sample CSV document on this page, to add your employee data to:

    Once you upload a document, all employees will receive an e-mail invitation to register their CrewPlanner account.

    CrewTip! Managers can, when importing a file, decide whether employees should receive an invitation for further registration of their profile.

    If you wish to add extra information to employee profiles you have already invited via an Ecel or CSV file, you can upload an updated version. However, if an invited employee has already completed the registration process, their account will remain as is. If they have not yet completed the registration process, their information will be overwritten with that from the updated version. Please note, if an invitation e-mail is sent, it only goes out the first time you upload your file.

    CrewTip! You also have the option of adding custom fields to your CSV file.

  3. Registration form

    In the registration form tab, you can create a link that you can then share with your employees to register. First, select the departments into which the people who will receive the link should be allocated. Next, click on GENERATE LINK. Below is an example:

    You can now copy this link by selecting the icon next to it and sharing it with the employees.

    CrewTip! Working with a URL and sharing it with your employees so they can register on CrewPlanner is very convenient. Some social media channels however, add extra information as soon as the link is selected. As a result, an employee may receive an error message. To avoid this, shorten the registration link with a URL shortener. Examples of these websites are:

The views

At the top right you will find the 3 icons that allow you to determine the view of the employee data. You have the choice of card, list and work schedule modes:

The card mode

In other words, you see the employees presented in business card form:

We see the following on the card:

  1. The name of the employee

  2. Gender

  3. Age

  4. The contract type with an accompanying pie chart that indicates how long this employee may still work. More information can be found in the article contract types.

  5. Email address

  6. Phone number

  7. The rating is an average of the rating given through the time registration.

If you move your cursor over a ticket, it will light up and a pencil icon will appear at the top right:

You can perform the following actions via the card:

  1. If you click on the email address, you will be redirected to your default email provider and you can contact the employee by email.

  2. If you click on the telephone number and you are using your own phone or your phone app, you can call this employee.

  3. If you click on the pencil icon, you can edit the employee's profile. More information can be found in the article Employee pop-up.

  4. If you click elsewhere on the card, the employee pop-up will open. This will be explained later in this article.

The list mode

When you select list mode, you get a view of the employees in a list, which is:

In this view the details of the employees are listed horizontally. Unlike cards, here you can decide which data should be listed via Visible fields.

Visible fields

  1. Add fields

    To add fields, look at Visible fields on the right. Here you can tick any information you want your employees to see.

    CrewTip: Select the box to the left of Visible Fields to quickly check or uncheck all fields:

    For example:

    You can simply check that you would also like the first name and the email address and this adjusts automatically in the list of employees:

    CrewTip! You cannot change the order of the Visible fields. If you open the Export Document Builder, however, this is possible. More on this in this article.

  2. Remove fields

    You can remove fields on the one hand by unchecking the data in Visible Fields:

    On the other hand, you can remove a field by standing on the word in the grey title bar with your cursor and then clicking on the cross next to the title name:

    CrewTip! Your selection of fields is always retained until you change it. Even if you leave the page or log in again.

  3. Alphabetise

    You also have the option of alphabetising the list of employees by any field that is part of your selection. In the example above, if you would like to alphabetise by e-mail, select the arrows next to the e-mail tab:

The work schedule mode

If you select work schedule mode, this is the view you get:

You get an overview of all employees and the shifts they are scheduled for or for which they can be scheduled. The difference with the 2 other modes is that the work schedule mode is more interactive. Here you also have the option of scheduling employees and enter availability.

At the top you can change the week using the arrows next to Monday and Sunday:

We explain for you what possible scenarios there are for scheduling employees:

The background colour of the day indication indicates first of all whether the employee has already been scheduled and whether or not there are available projects on which the employee could be scheduled. A coloured dot and the description indicate whether the employee is available or not, for what period and for what reason.

1. Already scheduled

A green background indicates that the employee is already scheduled that day. The start and end time and the name of the project are shown and if you click on it, you will be redirected to the project's page.

If you have the shift reference functionality activated, the reference can be found on the bottom left.

In the top right corner the number of hours the employees has been scheduled for on this shift, will be visible.

CrewTip! The total number of hours the employee has been scheduled for that week, will be shown on the top right of the name.

If a minimum number of hours a week is required, as set in the employee profile, it will be indicated as follows:

2. No incomplete projects

A grey background indicates that on that day there are no projects on which the employee can be scheduled.

Further, it will therefore only display whether the employee is available or not and for what reason.

For example:

The employee is available between 9:00 and 23:00, but there are no projects available on which they can be scheduled.

3. Incomplete projects

A yellow background indicates that there are still projects on which the employee can be scheduled that day.


No indication is given here about the employee's availability which means that the employee is free to be scheduled.

To do this, you click SCHEDULE and a pop-up will open showing the available project and allowing you to schedule the employee immediately. Select the down arrow of the shift in question and again SCHEDULE and the employee has been scheduled.

4. Employee availability indications

As mentioned earlier, this page gives you an overview of your employees' availability at a glance, as entered via day availability in the app. Through the app, the employee can make themselves available or unavailable for an entire day or between certain times, or enter a holiday or sick day, this for an entire day. Note, this is separate from the shift preference the employee can enter.

To assist you in obtaining an overview of these day availabilities, you can use the Day availability filter which is present in this view:

  • Available: Employees available for work.

  • Unavailable: Employees not available for work.

  • Holiday: Employees on holiday.

  • Sick: Employees marked as sick.

A manager with the necessary permissions, can also manage these availabilities via the work schedule mode. For example, if the employee has otherwise communicated that he is sick or on holiday.

A manager also has the option to limit a holiday or sick day to a shorter period by entering a start and end time.

To do so, select AVAILABILITY in the box next to the employees' name:

This opens the following pop-up:

What options do you have here:

  1. Date range: this already shows the date of the day you selected in the overview. If you want to change this or enter information for a longer period, select this date and a calendar will open in which you can select the start and end date.

  2. Available: if no availability was entered, this option is active and is shown in green.

  3. Unavailable: as you may suspect, this option indicates that the employee is unavailable, indicated by a red colour.

  4. Holiday: this indicates that the employee is on holiday, indicated by an orange colour.

  5. Sick: this option is used to indicate that the employee is sick and this with a blue colour.

  6. Delete: this last option deletes previously entered availability.

  7. Time period: this last option allows you to enter availability for a whole day or for a specific period only. If you check the latter, you will see additional fields where you can enter the times:

  8. Save: press save to save your data.

How is this displayed in the overview, here you have some examples:

The employee is available all day, but there are no more projects on which the employee can be scheduled.

The employee is not available between 08:00 and 13:00, and there are still projects that day that have not yet been fully scheduled and on which this employee can consequently be scheduled.

The employee is sick all day and there are no projects requiring employees.

The employee is on holiday between 08:00 and 13:00 and there are projects on which he could be scheduled.

CrewTip! You still have the option to schedule an employee even if it is indicated that they are not available, for whatever reason. This is therefore only an indication that you can take into account during planning.

On the calendar page, this is indicated under availabilities as:

The employee pop-up

You have the possibility to click on employees in card mode as well as in the work schedule mode to open their employee sheet. This sheet looks like this:

In the article on employee pop-up this is explained further.


To the right of the view icons, you have access to a number of actions:

Once you select this, the following dropdown opens:

We will briefly discuss which actions are available to you:

CrewTip! Using the filters, you determine for which employees these actions are taken. More information on the filters can be found in the next chapter.

  1. Export

    Selecting EXPORT opens the EXPORT DOCUMENT BUILDER, where you have the option to add or remove certain data from your export by ticking or un-ticking them.

    You can find more information here.

  2. Export as set cards

    The next action you can take is to export set cards of all or a selection of employees depending on your filter settings. You can read more about set cards here.

  3. Export availability

    This action, as the name suggests, allows you to export the availabilities of your employees. Once you select this, the pop-up below opens:

    You select the period for which you wish to make the export, the visible fields you wish to add and, finally, the type of document in which you wish to make the export.

  4. Send message

    You also have the option here to send a message to all or a selection of employees, via push notifications in the app, e-mail or SMS (If you have the necessary permissions).

    Once you select this action, the following pop-up opens:

    How to send a message via the employee page is similar to sending a message via the agenda page. More information can be found here.

    CrewTip! Click on the number of selected employees which will display the list of employees to whom the message will be sent.

  5. Messages

    This action takes you to a new page where you will find an overview of all messages sent in your environment, i.e. not only the messages sent on the employee page.

    Which information is displayed here is up to you using the Visible fields found on the right-hand side:

    In addition, you have a number of filters available to you on this page:

    • Date range: Using this filter, only messages sent during this period are displayed.

    • Employees: You can also display only the messages sent to one or more employees. You thereby filter as it were on the recipient.

    • Via: With this filter you can choose to display only messages that were sent in a certain way, being by mail, SMS or Push.

    • Sent by: As you can guess, you use this filter to display only those messages sent by the people you select here.

  6. Time clock

    Finally, you have the option to generate a time clock code which applies to all your employees.

    Select TIME CLOCK and GENERATE PIN to do so.

    Read more about the time clock here.

The search function

You have the option to browse through all information, but if you are looking for someone specifically, you can also select the magnifying glass icon at the top left:

Which allows you to use the search function, so you can search for employees by certain characteristics such as a first name or email address.

The filters

In addition to the search function, you have filters available just like on the agenda page. Select below to open the filter menu:

On this page, you can always use the following filters:

The filters on the employee page are divided into employee-related, general and custom fields filters. When you select one of these filters, a pop-up opens where you can select the attributes you wish to filter on.

However, you will note that some of these filters are also available on the agenda page, we refer to the relevant section in the agenda help article for this.

We will briefly go through all the filters for you:

Employee filters:

The employee related filters can all be found on the agenda page.

  1. Ages

    Read more here.

  2. Departments

    Read more here.

  3. Department groups

    More here.

  4. Genders

    See here.

  5. Ratings

    More here.

    General filters

  6. Employee type

    You use this filter if you only want to display a certain type of employees. More information can be found here.

  7. User type

    On the employee page you can find all users of your environment. You use this filter if, for example, you only want to display your employees. These are the options:

  8. Statuses

    By statuses on the employee page, we naturally refer to the status of employees. By default, the filter is preselected to Active so that only active users are displayed and is consequently always visible.

    You have the following options here:

    • Active: ticked by default; the employee is active.

    • Created: the employee was created manually (with information provided to you), the account has not yet been approved.

    • Documents not checked: the employee uploaded documents for verification, but these were not ticked as checked by the manager.

    • Inactive: the employee was marked inactive.

    • Invited: the employee was invited via email to register.

      CrewTip! Employees can be scheduled, even before their profile has been approved. Note, the profile must be approved before dimonas and contracts can be processed.

    • Requires documents: the employee is requested to share a photo and details of documents, e.g. identity card and bank card.

    • Requires identity approval: the manager must confirm the employee's identity in CrewPlanner.

    • Verified: the employee's account was registered correctly.

  9. Job functions

    Using this filter, you can search for employees who have performed a certain shift function. The content of this filter is therefore determined by the shift functions you have created. More information on shift functions can be found in this article.

  10. Languages

    This filter again speaks for itself, here you select a language and those employees will be displayed who have indicated to have knowledge of this language. Use the page numbers and arrows to navigate.

  11. Skill type

    With this filter, you display employees with certain skills. This is derived from the projects on which the employees were scheduled and the formulas entered in the project timing. Similar to the function filter, you thus define the content of this filter using the attributes of the Task type. You can find more information on attributes here.

  12. Regions

    This filter is similar to the one on the agenda page, more information here.

  13. Identity expiration

    You can apply this filter if you want to track the expiry date of your employees' identity documents. More information can be found here.

  14. Week (work schedule only)

    With this filter you can easily select the week you want to display in the work schedule mode.

  15. Day availability (work schedule only)

    This filter allows you to have an overview of which employees are available or not, sick or on holiday during the week you selected.

  16. Custom fields

    Just like on the agenda page you can apply filters here for custom fields that you have set up for your employees and those of the YES/NO and dropdown types.

    As with the standard filters, when you select one of these filters, a pop-up will open, displaying the options according to your settings for this custom field. This allows you, for example, to display only those projects on which employees were scheduled who selected your preferred option for this custom field.


On this page as well, the CLEAR function removes all filter selections you have applied at once. As discussed earlier, the status filter remains visible and reverts to the default selection of active employees.

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