Table of contents
If you use a horizontal or weekly planning, a work schedule is ideal. Via a work schedule, you not only have the possibility to create a weekly planning, but you can also schedule employees in a weekly overview. Moreover, you can easily copy these work schedules to other weeks and adjust them if necessary. You can create work schedules for a whole company or merely for a venue and you can even assign a specific department to a work schedule, limiting who can manage it. You create and manage your work schedules on the WORK SCHEDULES page from the menubar.
However, employees will not see this as a work schedule, but rather as individual projects per day. In the projects overview on the calendar page, work schedules are also displayed as projects per day.
The components of the work schedules page
When you open the work schedules page, the following components stand out:
Create a work schedule: via this you naturally create a work schedule.
Actions: on this page you have the option to export all your work schedules with a week schedule to a pdf.
Search function: select the magnifying glass icon to open the search function. Search work schedules as you wish, using parts of the name, company or even the name of employees who were scheduled on a work schedule.
Filters: here you will find the week and other filters, as well as a CLEAR option to quickly reset the filters. The week filter is always active on this page and multiple filters can be combined. Select the funnel icon to open the filter menu. Which filters are available to you will be discussed in a moment.
The work schedule overview: as soon as you create a work schedule, it will appear here. This is how you keep an overview of your schedule. You also have a number of other functions at your disposal, but more on this later.
Create a work schedule
Here we explain how to create a work schedule from the work schedules page, but you can also create a work schedule via ADD WORK SCHEDULE in the PROJECTS tab of a company file or via the work schedule icon of a venue. However, this takes you to the work schedules page, so you create a work schedule in the same way as below.
To create a work schedule, on the work schedules page at the top select CREATE A WORK SCHEDULE:
Which opens the next page:
Here you select the company you wish to create a work schedule for or you have the option to create a new company here by entering the name and selecting Add new company. More information on companies can be found here.
Select a venue if you want to use the work schedule only for one specific venue. Note, this work schedule will only be visible to managers without restrictions or to those with the appropriate permissions.
If you want to assign a specific department to the work schedule so that it is visible only to managers without department or group restrictions or with the permission to manage this department or department group, select the desired department from the dropdown.
Next you enter a name for the work schedule.
CrewTip! You will not be able to change this name when further creating the work schedule, and it will apply to all weeks for which you create this work schedule. If you still wish to change the name, this can only be done via the pencil icon in the work schedule overview. More on this later.
Lastly you select CREATE A WORK SCHEME.
You will be taken to the next page, where the current week is displayed. To set up a good basis for your work schedule, start by selecting ADD NEW WEEK.
On the page that opens next, fill in the necessary details for the work schedule, similar to adding a day or recurring project :
You have 3 major sections here:
1. General information:
Work schedule: here the name you chose when creating the work schedule is displayed. You can no longer change it here.
Company: the name of the company or the name of the employment has also been chosen previously and cannot be changed.
CrewTip! If the work schedule has been created for a specific venue, the venue will be listed here and can no longer be changed.
Project leader: here you indicate an employee as responsible for all days of the work schedule. A project leader has the same functionalities and rights as a supervisor, but he does not need to be scheduled on the project. Invoicing / purchase order reference: if you use our invoicing module, you have the option of entering an invoicing reference or purchase order number here.
Week: as soon as you select this, a calendar opens where you can choose the desired week for which you want to schedule this work schedule.
Days in work schedule: here you check or uncheck the days for which the work schedule will be created.
Address: As with a project, this also requires an address so that your employees know where to go. If the address is not yet known, tick Address unknown. You will then receive a notification several times before the start of the work schedule that the address is required. Read this article if you need help with entering the address.
CrewTip! If you select a company that already exists, the address used in the last project created for this customer will be filled in automatically. You can of course still change this if necessary.
2. Extra information:
Clothing: if there are any clothing requirements for this work schedule, then communicate them to your employees here.
Attributes (Provide yourself): Any additional items your employees need to provide themselves.
Extra information: Anything else you wish to add of information relevant to the work schedule.
CrewTip! just like with creating a project, it is possible to add items to the clothing or supplies or you can manage them via ATTRIBUTES in SETTINGS.
3. Course and planning of the work schedule
Project timing: This is a handy way of displaying the course of your event for your employees in a short overview using tasks. All tasks for which employees were scheduled will appear in their profile (see: Employee pop-up), so you can easily see who already has experience with specific tasks.
An example:
Add crew: here you determine how many employees you need for each day of the work schedule, based on a department and job title.
An example:
After you have added all the information to the schedule, at the bottom select ADD NEW WEEK, resulting in the work schedule:
When you create a work schedule, the schedule will be the same for each day. However, you can still change both the number of shifts required and the start and end times for each day. More on this later.
CrewTip! if you use the shift references functionality, each time you create shifts, a new reference will be assigned to these shifts. These references are displayed at the bottom left of the shift.
Once you have finished making any changes, you can schedule your employees from this page. We'll explain in more detail later.
CrewTip! If you have incorrectly created a work schedule for the current week of which some days take place in the past and you want to delete them, you only have this option for a period of 24 hours. To do this, first select Delete Week under ACTIONS or delete the necessary shifts in the work schedule, followed by deleting the relevant projects for the days from the past one by one on the agenda page.
The search function, filters and actions
The search function, filters and actions on the work schedule page offer you the possibility to search for one particular or a selection of work schedules and, if necessary, export their data to a PDF file.
The search function
The search function allows you to search work schedules by components from the name of the work schedule, a company or even the employees who were scheduled. To use the search function, select the magnifying glass icon, type office, for example, and press enter. This will give you a list of all work schedules with the word office in the name of the work schedule or company.
If you would rather search work schedules by certain characteristics, you can do so using the filters on this page. You open the filter menu by selecting the funnel icon. If desired, you can combine different filters.
If you want to clear used filters quickly and easily, use the clear filter option, to the right of the filter menu button:
It also removes quick access to the selected filters, only the week filter is always retained.
These are the filters available to you on this page:
You have two types of filters at your disposal. Namely, the standard filters that allow you to filter by characteristics of the work schedule. But you can also filter by certain types of custom fields, if you make use of these.
These are the filters available to you:
Week: this filter is always visible on the work schedule page and by default it shows the current week. If you want to change this, select the filter which opens a calendar where you can choose and apply the desired week.
Companies: this filter allows you to find work schedules of specific companies by ticking the one you want and selecting Apply.
Venues: select the appropriate venue(s) if you want to limit the overview to work schedules created for these venues.
Departments: similarly, you can display only work schedules created for certain departments.
Department groups: Use this filter if you are looking for work schedules for certain department groups.
Status: lastly, you can filter by work schedule status; no work schedule, has open slot(s), completed. This is useful if, for example, you want all work schedules to be displayed for which you still need to schedule shifts.
Custom fields: However, you only have filters available here for custom fields that you have set for companies, departments and/or project shifts and these of the YES/NO and dropdown types. As with the standard filters, a pop-up opens when you select one of these filters, containing the options according to your settings for this custom field.
This allows you, for example, to display only these work schedules for companies of a certain size:
Actions allows you to export all work schedules for which a weekly schedule was created to a Pdf. Selecting ACTIONS opens the following dropdown:
After you select EXPORT TO PDF again, an overview of all created work schedules for the selected week opens in Pdf, regardless of whether they have been scheduled.
The work schedule overview and icons
Centrally on the work schedules page, you have an overview of all work schedules, along with a clear display of the status of the schedule and with a number of options per work schedule.
What you will find in this overview:
Name: the name of the work schedule is displayed here. It therefore remains the same for each weekly schedule, even if you create a completely different schedule the following week. We'll discuss how you can still change the name in a moment.
Company: this is of course the name of the company for which you created the work schedule. You can no longer change this information.
Department: if you have assigned a department to the work schedule, it is displayed here. How you change this will be discussed in a moment.
Status: here is the status of the schedule for the current week, with an associated colour code. There are 3 possibilities:
Green: the work schedule has been created for this week and fully completed
Orange: the work schedule has been created for this week, but has not yet been completed
Red: no work schedule has been created for this week (yet)
If you select these statuses, you will be directed to the work schedule where you can schedule your employees or add a weekly schedule.
Work schedule icons: to the right of each work schedule you have 3 icons available.
The Time clock
The clock icon allows you to generate a code for the time clock. This code is then only valid for this work schedule, but for each week schedule of this work schedule. More information on the time clock here.
Work schedule: change name or department, or delete
When you click on the pencil icon, you will be redirected to this page:
Here you can change or allocate a department or change the name of the work schedule, i.e. you cannot choose another company or if the work schedule was created for a venue, choose a different venue. These changes will apply to all completed, current and future work schedules.You also have the option here to delete the entire work schedule. Beware, this removes not only the current week's schedule from this work schedule, but also all future schedules!
CrewTip! If you only want to delete one week's schedule, do not use the pencil icon in the work schedule overview, but rather the action button in the work schedule. More on this later.
Consult a work schedule
By clicking on the calendar icon you will reopen the work schedule where you can display and consult your desired week. Depending on the work schedule status, a week schedule is displayed here or you can create a new one. You can read more about this later in this article.
Edit a work schedule
When you create a work schedule, each day of this schedule will display the same occupancy. However, some days may naturally require lighter or heavier occupancy. You can quickly make a few minor changes directly in the work schedule. If you want to make changes in bulk however, it is best to do so in that day's project. We will go through this for you using an example.
Suppose you have just created or consulted the work schedule below via the calendar icon:
CrewTip! When you create a work schedule, all days will be the same in terms of occupancy and data. If you make changes for a particular day, they will not automatically be copied to the projects on the other days of the work schedule.
Add shifts
In the above example, suppose you want to add extra shifts:
After selecting ADD SHIFT, you will get the following pop-up:
In the agenda, the day where you pressed ADD SHIFT is already selected, but you can also select additional days where you wish to add the same shift. You select the start and end time. You select the department, unless the work schedule was created for a specific department. You then select the job title. If you have set custom fields on project shift you will be asked to complete them here. After this, you select the number of employees/shifts you need.
As soon as you enter a number in the number of shifts, the option to immediately schedule users on these shift(s) appears, this by ticking employees in the dropdown:
CrewTip! you can add up to 500 shifts without employees or 300 shifts with employees to be scheduled this way.
In the above example, we wish to add a shift on 29 and 30 December from 10:00 to 17:00 from the Waiters - Flexi department with Job title Waiters, without immediately scheduling an employee.
Once you select CREATE, you will see that the shift has been added to the work schedule:
CrewTip! if you use the shift references functionality, each time you create shifts, a new reference will be assigned to these shifts. These references are displayed at the bottom left of the shift.
Edit a shift
If you move your cursor over a shift, two icons will appear in the top right corner, a pencil icon and a bin icon. You edit a shift via the pencil icon:
CrewTip! If you have set a custom field for project shifts and you have made a selection for this shift, a third icon will be displayed:
Place your cursor on this icon to consult the answer entered or select it to change the answer.
Continuing on the above example, we want to adjust the hours of a shift on Wednesday. When you select the pencil icon of this shift, the pop-up appears:
You can adjust the hours, department and position. We adjust the start and end time in the above example, resulting in:
CrewTip! You can change a shift this way with or without scheduled employees.
Delete a shift
Similar to editing a shift, you can also delete a shift. As you might guess, we use the bin icon in the top right corner for this.
Suppose you want to delete one slot in the above work schedule on Monday:
Once you select the bin icon, you will get the following pop-up.
If you select CONFIRM, the shift will be deleted.
CrewTip! If you have already scheduled employees for a shift, you must first schedule them out before you can delete a shift in this way.
Edit via project
As mentioned earlier, you can quickly edit some shifts in the work schedule overview. However, if you wish to edit shifts in bulk or other information for your employees, it is best to go to the project of the desired day.
You do this by selecting your desired day or eye icon in the work schedule at the top:
You will enter the project for that day and can make changes using the pencil icon:
For more information on customising a project, look here.
It is mentioned at the top that the project is part of a work schedule, so once you have made and saved the desired changes, you can easily return via VIEW WORK SCHEDULE:
Schedule employees
Once you are satisfied with the work schedule, you can schedule employees. You do this in the same way as for a project, but the sequence of scheduling differs. In a project, you schedule employees vertically, chronologically per day. With a work schedule, you will schedule workers horizontally rather for the same shift over the different days of a work schedule.
If you select Schedule in the yellow box, you will be given different options for scheduling employees:
This is done in the same way as already explained in the AGENDA article.
At the top, below the date of the project, you can see at a glance what the occupancy of the project is by means of the number of shifts scheduled compared to the total number of shifts for that day and the corresponding colour code.
Green bar: The project is fully scheduled
Orange bar: The project is not yet fully scheduled
Red bar: Many people still need to be scheduled for this project
Week schedules of a work schedule
As mentioned before, you consult your work schedule by selecting the name or the calendar icon of this work schedule in the overview. By default, you arrive in the current week of the work schedule or in the week you selected in the filter.
If you have already created a week schedule for this week, it will be displayed here along with any already scheduled employees. You can still make changes or further schedule employees here, as described earlier.
CrewTip! If you use our Dimona link, Contract lay-out module to generate contracts, or your contracts are via Offix, you will see 1 or 2 circles at the bottom right of your planned employee, indicating the different statuses. If you select these statuses, you will be directed to the relevant parts of the project. More information on these statuses can be found in the relevant articles.
At the top of a work schedule page you will see ACTIONS. When you select this, a dropdown opens and if the selected week contains a weekly schedule, you have the following options:
Export a week schedule
As discussed earlier, on the work schedules page you can export an overview of all work schedules for a desired week to a Pdf, similarly here you can export the week schedule of one particular work schedule for a desired week to a Pdf or you can use the Export document builder to export certain data from this week's schedule.
You go to the week you wish to export via the Week filter or the arrows next to the weekdays and then select from the dropdown under ACTIONS:
Export to Pdf
After selecting EXPORT TO PDF again in the next pop-up, a Pdf of this work schedule for the desired week opens.
After selecting EXPORT TO PDF again in the next pop-up, a Pdf of this work schedule for the desired week opens.
CrewTip! If the selected week does not contain a week schedule, this document will be empty.
Export data
After this, the Export document builder opens where you can select the fields you wish to export to an Excel, PDF or CSV file.
CrewTip! The Export data option is only visible if a week schedule is present for the desired week.
Delete a week schedule
You can only delete an entire work schedule in the work schedule overview via the pencil icon, as discussed earlier. However, you can also only delete a week schedule from a work schedule for the week you desire.
To do this, again go to the week you wish to delete via the week bar or the arrows next to the weekdays and then select Delete week from the dropdown under ACTIONS.
The pop-up will again ask you if you are sure and after your confirmation, the week schedule will be permanently deleted. As a result, you obviously will no longer be able to copy this schedule to a subsequent week.
CrewTip! The delete week option is only visible if a week schedule is available for the desired week.
If you are in a work schedule in a week for which there is no week schedule, you will have the following two options in the centre of the page:
Add a week schedule
Once you select ADD NEW WEEK, you will be directed to the page where you can create a new week, as discussed earlier in the section Create a work schedule.
Copy a week schedule
If you want to create a week schedule in an existing work schedule that is similar to a week schedule from a previous week, you can copy week schedules. Which data you can copy is explained below.
You can start in two different ways, either you first select the new week via the filter in the work schedules overview and then the work schedule, or you consult the work schedule first and then go to the desired new week via the week bar or the arrows.
Selecting a week in the work schedules overview
As discussed earlier in the work schedules overview, the status of a specific week is represented by 3 possible colours. You can only copy a week schedule to a week without a week schedule, so the work schedule for the desired new week must display a red status:
You select either the status or the calendar icon:
You then enter the work schedule on your desired week.
Selecting a week in the work schedule
You can also reach this page by first selecting the work schedule in the overview and by subsequently navigating to the desired week via the week bar or the arrows.
If you are in the desired week without a week schedule, in this example week 7, you will see COPY THE EXISTING SCHEDULE in the middle of the page:
After selecting this, a pop-up will open where you can select the week whose week schedule you wish to copy.
For example, you wish to make a copy of week 5. Here, however, you get a list of all week schedules that have already been created for this work schedule.
We select week 5 and arrive at this page:
What information do you have:
You cannot change the name of the work schedule. But if you select this, you will be taken back to the work schedule.
You cannot change the company name either. However, this is a link to the company file.
CrewTip! If the work schedule was created for a specific venue , it will be displayed here, but you will not be able to amend it.
You can, however, change the project leader and select them from your list of employees.
You can still change the week to which you wish to copy the week schedule.
Days in work schedule: You do not have to copy all days, just tick or untick the days you want.
Copy employees from the original schedule: if you often use the same group of employees, this is ideal. It allows you to schedule the same employees immediately, as in this example from week 5. If you uncheck this, you get an empty weekly roster.
You can also change the address or select Address unknown if necessary.
In the example we continue with the already selected days as well as the employees of the original roster, we select ADD COPY OF WEEK at the bottom and this gives:
You can see that the week schedule was copied and the employees were scheduled. However, you will notice that some employees' shifts are displayed with a different background colour, along with a calendar icon. Placing your cursor on this icon displays that this employee is not available that day:
The colour refers to the reason why the employee is unavailable:
Blue: reflects that the employee reported sick that day.
Orange: reflects that this person has reported being on holiday.
Red: indicates that the employee has reported unavailability.
More information on day availabilities can be found here.
You can then remove the employee from the shift by hovering your cursor over the shift and selecting the cross that appears in the top right corner. After this, you schedule someone else as discussed earlier.
CrewTip! However, if in the above example Jens was already scheduled for another project on Wednesday for week 7, this shift will be empty. Furthermore, this is displayed at the top of the page as an alert along with the information of this project. Consequently, you can reschedule someone for this shift who is available or pull the employee from the other project.
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