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An overview of the document management system.

Updated over 7 months ago

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In DOCUMENTS you will find an overview of all documents uploaded by managers or employees. Documents can be shared with employees via the app, attached to projects, linked to a company, and any combination of the above. In short, documents can be found in many places in CrewPlanner, therefore we created a collection point in this section.

Uploading documents

You can upload files at the top of the documents page by dragging a file from your computer into the box:

You also have the option to click on this box and then browse your files on your computer or mobile phone.

CrewTip! The maximum size of a file is 8MB and the following types of files can be uploaded:

jpeg - png - pdf - gif - doc - docx - xls - xlsx - odt - txt.

It is also possible to upload multiple files at the same time by dragging file after file into the upload box or by dragging multiple selected files at once.

Uploading one file displays the following:

  1. The name of the file as displayed on your computer, this will also be the name within CrewPlanner or you can rename the file here.

  2. For the document type you have a limited number of options to choose from:

  3. You have 3 options to assign a document:

    • You can assign documents to yourself

    • You can assign documents to all users

      CrewTip! If you assign a document here to all users, all your active employees and managers will receive and be able to consult this document. On the other hand, if you assign a document in a project to all employees, only the employees who have been scheduled on this project will receive this document.

    • You can assign documents to one user

  4. With the arrow you can download the document.

  5. Delete document by selecting the bin icon.

After you have correctly named and assigned the document, select PROCESS:

If you upload more than one file, you will get this screen:

The main difference here is that a grey bar has been added above the files with Type and Assign to fields. This is to make it easier for you in two possible scenarios:

1. First scenario

You want to upload multiple of the same document type to different users. Instead of indicating line by line that the type of file is an 'Employment contract', you can do this in one go by indicating this in the grey bar at the top:

After this, you only have to link the employment contracts to the correct employee(s).

2. Second scenario

You want to upload multiple documents of different types to one user. Under Assign to you now have the option to select it for all documents (in the grey bar) as in the example below:

After this, you only have to indicate the document types.

Document information

As soon as documents are uploaded in CrewPlanner, you will see their list at the bottom of this page with the following information:

  1. Type: type of document

  2. Filename: the name given to the uploaded document

  3. Date and time uploaded: the date and time on which the document was added

  4. Uploaded by: the employee or manager that uploaded the document

  5. Company/client the document is linked to and when the project takes place. If you select this, you will be redirected to this project. This is only visible if this document was uploaded for a certain project.

  6. Who can see the document: to whom the document is assigned

  7. Download: with the arrow you can download the document

  8. Edit: the pencil icon allows you to change the name and type of the document

  9. Remove: with the bin icon you remove the document

Consult and download documents

You can simply consult a document by selecting it in the list or you can download this document by selecting the arrow.

After this, a second tab will open on your internet browser, where you have the option to download or print the document.

Edit documents

By this we mean that you can change the name and/or file type of a document by selecting the pencil icon next to the document.

This opens the pop-up below and where you can enter a new name or change the file type and save:

Delete documents

As indicated earlier, you can still delete an already assigned document. To do so, select the bin icon on the right-hand side of the document you wish to delete.

Search documents

Since all documents are visible in this tab, it is recommended that you use the search function or the filters on top to easily find the right documents.

Search function

Select the magnifying glass icon to display the search box that allows you to quickly search for specific documents:


Select the funnel icon to open the filter menu. As on other pages, the filters have been divided by the subject they relate to, being document, employee and project. You can also combine these filters.

The following filters are available:

  1. Document type

    The type of files and documents you want to see.

  2. Date

    You can select a proposed time period or you can choose your own time period yourself by selecting a start and end date.

  3. Employees

    With this filter you can display all documents assigned to a certain employee.

  4. Departments

    You also have the option to filter based on certain departments.

  5. Department groups

    You can also search for documents for an entire department group.

  6. Companies

    If you want to search for documents created by and for specific companies, you can also filter them here.

As soon as a filter is activated, the CLEAR option appears next to the filter menu, allowing you to quickly remove all filters.

Bulk export of documents

You are able to select documents in bulk, using the filters, to create a bulk export.

To do this, make your desired selections in the filters and all documents meeting these requirements will be displayed in the overview. Then open the actions menu at the top and select EXPORT ALL:

After this, CrewPlanner will start bundling all these documents into a ZIP file.

You will receive an email with a link and a password. The link to download the export remains valid for 60 minutes after receiving the email.

After you have selected DOWNLOAD, your computer will download the ZIP file. After this you can consult and open the file.

The files are bundled by type in a folder.

And then a folder per employee, to which the file is assigned.

Once you select the file you want to open, you will be asked to enter the password that was provided in the e-mail. If you select OK, the file will open in a new window.

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