Table of contents
When you create a project, you have the opportunity to complete the project in detail. When you then consult the project, you not only get an overview of this project, but you also have a few additional functionalities and tabs available.
We will discuss these further in this article, and to do so we will start with a project that has already been created:
As soon as you open an already created project on the DASHBOARD or AGENDA page, you are taken to the project's first tab, DETAILS:
This gives you an overview of all the information that was already completed by you when you created the project. You can read how to create a project here.
What information can be found here:
The date on which the project takes place, possibly indicating that it is a recurring project using circular arrows.
Your customer's company.
The name of the project.
The tasks including comments.
The project leader.
The clothing requirements.
The attributes, i.e. what the employees need to bring themselves.
A field description where you can add extra information for your workers.
Custom field(s) for projects, if you use them.
The address, or if not yet known, Address unknown is indicated here.
At the bottom left, you now also have an additional field where you can place internal notes. These notes are not visible to employees, only to managers.
At the bottom, you also have the shifts for this project and who has already been scheduled:
The shifts
In this section, you not only have the ability to view employee information and add extra to the shift, but also to schedule employees. To do this, click on the yellow frame with the grey cross and you will see an overview of who is available on the left:
CrewTip! How grouped employees are displayed depends on which choice you made in the Group by filter in AGENDA. You can set this by Function or by Department. However, the information displayed regarding employees remains the same.
More information on scheduling employees, can be found here.
Scheduled employees and shift information
If you move your cursor over the different elements of a shift with a scheduled employee, more information will appear in a pop-up.
What information is possible when an employee is scheduled:
If the employee has uploaded a profile picture, it will be displayed first, otherwise you will only see the initials, followed by the name. If you select the name, you have the option to open the employee pop-up, as elsewhere in CrewPlanner.
CrewTip: If a red dot with an exclamation mark is displayed next to the profile picture, this means that this employee's profile has not yet been approved. This profile must be approved before Dimona's or contracts can be processed.
Following that, the following icons may be displayed:
Shift confirmation
If you have activated the EMPLOYEE CONFIRMATION function in CONFIGURATION, this icon will appear as soon as the employee has confirmed the shift via the app:
The timer icon shows that this person has supervisor status and consequently can clock-in and clock-out colleagues.
Changing the supervisor status for an employee is done via the employee profile.
Gather time
If you are using a gather location and time, the time at which one should be present at this location is displayed here. Place your cursor over the time to display more information about the location:
This is followed by the employee type abbreviation.
Shift reference
If you use the shift reference functionality, you can find this reference here. More information can be found here.
When you select this, a pop-up opens allowing you to associate an additional comment with this shift. This comment will be visible to the employee scheduled on this shift, in the app.
For example, you can include that this person will be a driver. Because the comment is linked to the shift and not to the employee, it can already be added before you schedule someone and will also not disappear when you schedule someone out.
Custom field for project shift
If you use custom fields for project shifts to collect additional information, the icon below is displayed here. Place your cursor on the icon to view entered information or select it to enter or modify data.
The next information depends on the grouping you selected, as mentioned earlier. Here, either the department or the function is displayed for this employer.
On the far right, the rating this employee has received so far during the time registration is displayed.
This can be important for scheduling employees for certain projects.Delete
Finally, using the cross at the end, you can remove an employee from the shift.
The next tab of a project is DOCUMENTS.
As you might suspect, here you have the option to upload documents and files for your employees for this project. Or employees can also upload files via this route, which you in turn can access and download. More information on uploading and receiving documents and what else is possible in this regard can be found here.
The FINANCE tab lists the gross margin calculations related to this project. More information on finance can be found in this article.
Optional modules
If you have activated additional modules or integrations with partners as Offix for example, you will find a number of additional tabs here, such as DIMONA’S, CONTRACTS or INVOICING. Please refer to the respective articles for more information on these tabs.
Time registration
The TIME REGISTRATION tab only becomes visible one hour before the start of the project.
From then on, employees can clock in and it is relevant to display hours worked. This article explains in detail what the options are when registering hours.
Other icons
To the right of the tabs, you have several more icons at your disposal. In this section, we briefly describe the actions you can take with them.
Send message
With the help of the envelope icon, you are able to send a message to these employees or departments that were scheduled on this project.
Sending a message via the project, can be done with the following 2 purposes:You wish to inform the employees already scheduled on this project about something.
You are still missing one or more employees and wish to send a message to those eligible for these shift(s).
Once you select this icon, you will get the pop-up below.
This pop-up is identical to the one on the calendar page, for sending a message. We would therefore like to refer to the Send Message section of the AGENDA article, for more information.Time clock
Here, too, you have the option of generating a time clock code. This can then only be used to clock in and out the planned employees of this project.
When you select the clock icon, the pop-up appears allowing you to generate a PIN code. More information can be found in this article.
It can sometimes be useful to have a paper version of the project overview on site.
If you select the download icon, you get a pop-up with a list of visible fields which you can select or not to add to your export. You can also change the order of this information by dragging the data to the desired place.
At the bottom of this list, you can additionally add unlimited fields using Open field:
When you have finished compiling the list, select EXPORT TO PDF, which opens a PDF document with your selected data in a new tab in your browser.
For example, the export file can look like this:
CrewTip! If you have a project on which a lot of employees are scheduled, you may not always be able to immediately enter their start or end time or break in the CrewPlanner application. An alternative could be to make a note of everything briefly on this document and enter this information at the end of the project.
Set cards
Using the business card icon in a project, you can quickly create set cards for the scheduled employees per project.
Again, you have an Open field at your disposal and can add additional information.If you use custom fields for employees, you will also be able to add this information to the export.
Copy a project
If you want to schedule a project similar to a previous project, you can use the page icon to copy a project.
Selecting this icon will take you to a new project. Here, almost all information of the previous project will already be filled in, but you can still change everything as you wish. However, you will always have to select a new date. You also have the option to copy the scheduled employees from the original project by ticking the box at the bottom of the page.For more information on creating a project, read here.
Edit a project
An existing project can always be adjusted or edited using the pencil icon.
You can read exactly which information you can edit in the article Edit project.
We hope this article has helped you!
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