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Shift functions

Control your wages and costs with shift functions.

Updated over a week ago

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The name you give a shift is stored in CrewPlanner and if you have the required permissions, you will find an overview on the page SHIFT FUNCTIONS in SETTINGS. In order to control wages and costs you have the option here to add some settings so that you can create projects faster and more efficiently. We would like to explain to you in this article how to work with shift functions.

If any of the options described in this article are not visible or available to you, please check if the required permission is active in your profile or contact your team manager to do so.

Create shift functions

In CrewPlanner you can create a shift function in four places.

1. When creating a new project:

Here under add crew you have the field job title, where you can select an existing shift function or create a new one. Read more about creating a project here.

However, if you create a new shift function in this way, you cannot add any further information here. You manage your shift functions further under SHIFT FUNCTIONS in SETTINGS, as discussed later.

CrewTip! Shift functions you create here are always general. Read on to create company or venue-specific shift functions.

2. Via the company file:

In the SHIFT FUNCTIONS tab of the company file, you have the option to create company shift functions, or if already created, to manage them here. Beware, as soon as a company shift function is created, the general shift functions will no longer be available for this company.

CrewTip! Before creating a company shift function, make sure all past projects for this company have been finalised and invoiced, since the general shift functions will no longer be available. Also ensure that the shift functions for all existing future projects for this company are updated to company shift functions by editing the project and selecting the new shift functions available.

Select CREATE FUNCTION, and you will be taken to the general shift function page where you can create the company shift function. We will discuss how to do this in a moment.

CrewTip! Do note, you also have the option of merely changing the hourly rate of a general shift function for a particular company via the FINANCE tab in its company file. Therefore, if you only want to change the hourly rate, you do not need to create company shift functions.

3. Via the venue file:

Similar to creating shift functions for companies, you can create shift functions in a venue file which will only be available for this venue. Beware, as soon as a venue shift function is created, company or general shift functions will no longer be available.

CrewTip! Before creating a venue shift function, make sure all past projects for this venue have been finalised and invoiced, since the company or general shift functions will no longer be available. Also ensure that the shift functions for all existing future projects for this venue are updated to venue shift functions by editing the project and selecting the new shift functions available.

Select CREATE FUNCTION and again you will be taken to the general shift function page where you can create your venue shift function.

4. On the general shift function page:

You find the general shift function page, by navigating to SETTINGS and by selecting SHIFT FUNCTIONS from the settings menu. On this page you can create new shift functions that are either for general use or for one company or venue only. Additionally and you can add cost and wage information.

To get started creating a new function, select CREATE FUNCTION at the top of the page and this will open below:

CrewTip! It is not compulsory to fill in all the data, only the name. If you leave any fields blank, they will be taken from your default configuration settings.

  1. Here you define whether this function is to be General or for one specific company. If you choose general, the function can be used to create the planning for all companies that do not have company shift functions. If a company is selected that has venues, an extra field will appear in which you can select a venue. Note, only select a venue if you want to create a shift function for this venue only, make no selection if you want to create a company shift function.

    CrewTip! If you create one or more shift functions for a company or a venue, only these functions will be available for this company or this venue. Note: This also means that the company or the venue itself, through their customer portal, only has those functions available that were created for them.

    However, if you only want to change the hourly rate for a specific company or venue, navigate to the FINANCE tab in the company or venue file and note the deviation here.

  2. Name: here you give your new shift function a name.

  3. Colour: You have the option to assign a colour to each shift function.

  4. Cost Type: These fields are only visible if our invoicing module is active in your package or you have an integration with an invoicing partner. They allow you to assign costs to your shift function. Under type you select how the costs should be calculated, per hour or per day. If you select per day, an extra field appears in which you can enter the maximum number of hours per day, see the example below. You can find more information about this in the relevant articles.

  5. Here you define the cost price of the shift function. This amount is used in our extra modules as an invoice amount in INVOICING and cost budget in the margin calculation in the FINANCE module.

  6. Here you select the wage type, you also have the choice between per hour or per day. If you select per day, you can again enter a maximum number of hours.

  7. Here you enter the amount that will be set as the wage for this shift function.

  8. If you use one or more Paritaire comités, you can also set different wages based on this (Only applicable for Belgium).

  9. In this field you select the contract type that should receive this wage.

  10. If you select this icon, a pop-up appears that allows you to define percentages per age group to automatically calculate the basic wage.

  11. You can delete a wage line by using the bin icon.

  12. The plus sign allows you to add different wage lines for one shift function. For example, if you want to assign different wages to different contract types.

Shift function functionalities also expand as you activate more of our modules. If you use our Exact online link or Offix, you have two additional tabs INVOICING and EASYPAY. We recommend that you read the relevant articles to learn more about the additional settings.

Manage shift functions

Do you want to manage your shift functions; go to the general SHIFT FUNCTIONS page through SETTINGS.

On this page you not only can create new shift functions but also export your existing functions and import them again, modify and delete them.

The export and import functionalities enable you to swiftly update your shift function wages and costsrates, if an indexation is needed.

As soon as you select EXPORT SHIFT FUNCTIONS, the export document builder will open and you will be able to select the information you wish to export.

CrewTip! However, to prevent possible loss of data, we advise you to select and export ALL fields and information.

You can only export the information to Excel and once you select to do so, you will find the document in your download folder.

When you open the file, you will notice that a different line is present for each contract type. If no information is listed in the Wage contract type field, the Wage value will apply to all (remaining) contract types. In CrewPlanner this corresponds with the Contract type General.

Do note, when multiple lines are present for the same shift function, meaning lines with the same Job function id, the Cost value has to be the same amount! If not, the value of the last line will overwrite the known value.

Once you have made the necessary adjustments or indexations, you are ready to import the file.

Select IMPORT SHIFT FUNCTIONS and the following page will open:

To import a file, simply drop it onto UPLOAD EXCEL OR CSV FILE or select it to search for the file.

Once you have uploaded the file you will receive a status report of the lines which have successfully been uploaded. If all lines have been loaded correctly, you will see the (updated) information listed on the SHIFT FUNCTIONS page.

On this page you have an overview of all your created shift functions and their settings.

  1. Under company you can see whether the shift function can be used generally or only for a specific company.

  2. Under name is the list of the shift functions you have created.

  3. Under wages you will find the Paritair Comité, wages and possibly the contract type, depending on your settings.

  4. In the column hourly rate you will see the rate you have assigned to this shift function.

Modify shift functions

To the right of the shift function, you will recognise the pencil icon that allows you to consult or modify the shift function.

Selecting this icon will bring you back to the shift page, where you will find the same information as discussed before when creating a shift function. All information except the company or venue for which the shift function can be used, can be changed. Do note, changes to costs and wages will only apply automatically to future projects.

CrewTip! If you still wish to change the company or venue, it is best to create a new shift function and delete the incorrect one. Read below for more information and tips when deleting a shift function.

Delete shift functions

If a shift function is no longer required, then simply delete it by selecting the bin icon on the righthand side.

The shift function is permanently deleted after you select confirm in the pop-up below.

CrewTip! We recommend that you make sure that all projects that you are using this shift function for are finalised and invoiced before you delete a shift function! Also verify first if this shift function has been used for current or future projects and make the necessary amendments before deleting.

Shift function logic

We have already briefly mentioned how the CrewPlanner logic regarding shift functions works, but since shift functions can contain both cost and wage information, we will explain this in more detail and provide a few examples.

General shift functions are available for every company or venue, unless company or venue shift functions have been created. As soon as one of these has been created, general shift functions will no longer be available for this company or venue.

Company shift functions are available for the whole company, unless a venue shift function has been created for a venue. As soon as a venue shift function has been created, company shift functions will no longer be available for this venue. However, if this company has other venues for which no venue shift functions have been created, the company shift functions will still be available for these venues.

Therefore, to determine which cost or wage settings are being applied, CrewPlanner will always check first if venue shift functions have been set and are applicable. Next there will be a check if company shift functions are present and applicable. Lastly, if no venue or company shift functions have been set up or are applicable, the general shift functions apply.

For complete information regarding our wage rules or invoicing logic, please consult the relevant articles.


  • Company A has no venues and does not have company shift functions.

    ➡️ All general shift functions will be available for both managers and company managers.

  • Company B has no venues but has one company shift function.

    ➡️ only this company shift function will be available for planning for both managers and company managers.

  • Company C has no company shift functions, but does have two venues, Venue 1 and Venue 2. Venue 1 has one venue shift function and Venue 2 has none.

    ➡️ For Venue 1 both managers and company managers will only be able to use the venue shift function. For Venue 2 both managers and company managers will be able to use the general shift functions.

  • Company D has company shift functions and has two venues, Venue A and Venue B. Venue A has one venue shift function and Venue B has none.

    ➡️ For Venue A both managers and company managers will only be able to use the venue shift function. For Venue B both managers and company managers will only be able to use the company shift functions.

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