Table of contents
Our payroll managers receive their account through their payroll supplier who is a customer of CrewPlanner. This account is, as we call it, a light version of the functionalities that a standard CrewPlanner account has.
This light version is ideal for a small pool of flexible employees who need to be registered. Ideal for students who, for example, only help out during the weekend, or during busy periods. The Payroll Light Manager does have the necessary functionalities to manage, schedule and process the employees.
The functionalities available to you are as follows:
Add employees
Time registration
Upload documents and share with employees or vice versa
Approve performances
Create concept invoice
Export options of upcoming and processed performances
The dashboard
You have a dashboard overview that gives you an overview of your work schedule, agenda, upcoming projects, and timesheets that you need to complete.
You have the option to set up this dashboard yourself according to your own preference; You can do this by selecting the three dots that you will find on each of the dashboard modules in the top right corner.
A field will then appear asking you which action you wish to perform.
The agenda
Via the agenda, a Payroll Light Manager can consult an overview of all planned days. In this overview, a PM can create plans or use filters and export options on upcoming projects. When you consult the agenda, it will always open in the current week.
1. Filters: With this you can easily find what you are looking for based on employees, contract, status of the planning, and type. This last option, ‘type’, allows you to also make work schedules visible in the calendar.
2. Calendar: Here you can see the days of the month, you can select a day, week or month. You will also see the colours red, orange and green. These indicate the status of your schedule.
Black: No projects are planned on this day.
Green: on this day one or more projects take place and all shifts (100%) are scheduled.
Orange: one or more projects are taking place on this day, but not all shifts (75- 99%) have been scheduled yet.
Red: on this day one or more projects are taking place, but several shifts have not yet been scheduled (0-74%).
3. Projects overview: The project overview is subject to the selection in the calendar and filters. If you select one day, you will get an overview of the projects that are planned on that day. If you select a week, you will logically get an overview of all projects that week. Identical for a month. If you select the entire month, you will get an overview of all the projects that are already planned in this month. The projects will always be presented chronologically, be it for an overview of one day, a week or a month.
4. Past projects: There is a subdivision for both the week selection and the month selection. At the top of the page are all current and future projects of the selected period. If you still need to complete a project, this can be recognized by the icon that you will find in the field of the project.
Another thing you will find on the agenda page is the action button, which you can use to export upcoming projects.
CrewTip! The action button depends on which period has been selected and which filters have been used. The action button performs the action on the selection.
Export: As already mentioned, the export of the data depends on which period and filters are selected. Of the projects included in this selection, you can export the data you want to see listed to Excel, CSV or PDF. You can indicate which data you want in this list:
You can select which information you want to export.
If you wish to change the order of your selection, this can also be done by simply dragging the fields to your preferred location.
At the end there is an 'Open field'. You can add as many open fields as you wish.
These lists can be used to arrange your payrolling, to forward to your social secretariat, etc.
An example of an export list:
Export: Project Overview
The export of the project overview also depends on the selected period and the active filters. You can export the overview of the projects for which the data you want to see listed to PDF. You can indicate which data you want in this list:
You can select which information you want to export.
If you wish to change the order of your selection, this can also be done by simply dragging the fields to your preferred location.
At the end there is an 'Open field'. You can add as many open fields as you wish.
The export function of the 'project overview' serves a different purpose than that of the 'data'. It is ideal to send as a 'timesheet', 'call sheet' or 'line sheet'. In this way, a supervisor (as well as the customer if he wishes) has an overview of who is coming, who should start when, etc.overview
An example of an export of the project:
As a payroll manager you are also able to create and manage projects.
Create a project
You can add a project in two ways :
1. via the dashboard for the upcoming projects module
2. Or via the calendar, here you will also find an add project button at the bottom of the calendar:
When you select the add project button in one of these places, you will see the screen below. Here you can get started to create a project.
Date: Select the day here. If you have a project that returns on a regular basis. You can select the arrows in this field to immediately create the project multiple times.
Name: The name of your project.
Address: Where the flexible employee is employed.
Extra information: Information you wish to give to the flexible employees
Project timing: A handy way to present the working day in a short overview for the flexible employee. All Tasks for which employees are scheduled are entered in their profile so you can easily see who already has experience with specific tasks.
Add crew: Here you determine how many shifts are needed that day.
Add project: When you have finished creating the project select this button.
Schedule employees for your projects
After you have created a project, you will see it in the calendar. You can plan directly from the calendar page. You select the field with the arrow of the shift you wish to schedule.
You will then see a new window on the left side of your calendar in which you can see the availability of your employees. You only have to select the + after the name of the flexible employee you want to schedule.
But you can always select the project and schedule the employees from the project detail page.
You select the yellow fields with the + sign in them, you will then see a field on your left, just like in the agenda. Then you start working in the same way.
Consult a project
When you consult a project you will see a number of tabs and buttons that you can use to get started.
1. The tabs you see here are all related to this project:
Detail page: Here you can see all the details of the project.
Documents: If desired you can add a document and share it with the employees
Dimona's: Of the scheduled employees
Contracts: Of the scheduled employees
2. With these buttons you can perform actions
Consult the time clock for this project
Create an overview of this work project.
Copy project
Edit project
Work schedules
If you use planning on a weekly basis, a work schedule is ideal. Employees will never see work schedules appear, but rather the days as individual projects. In your overview of the projects in the agenda, the work schedules in project form will also appear for you if you have also selected this under type.
When you open the work schedules page, 3 components stand out:
The week selection bar: Here you can select the week for which you want to consult or draw up a work schedule.
The action button: This allows you to create export files and to create or delete work schedules.
The overview of work schedules: As soon as you create a work schedule, these schedules will appear in this overview. This way it is easy to duplicate a work schedule.
There are 3 possible scenarios for a work schedule:
Green: The work schedule has been created for this week and fully completed.
Orange: The work schedule has been created for this week, but not yet completed in full.
Red: The work schedule has not (yet) been created for this week.
Create work schedule
To create a new work schedule, select the action button at the top right and select “create a work schedule”. You will then be taken to the next page.
Here you give a name to the new work schedule you are about to add, for example “Winter schedule”. You select “create work schedule” to continue.
Your work schedule is then created to add planning.
To create a weekly schedule, select “add new week”, you will notice that creating a work schedule uses the same steps as a project. With a big difference, when you create a work schedule, you also select the days on which the shifts are needed.
An example of this:
Two shifts daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, after selecting “create a new week” your work schedule will be created.
CrewTip! When you create a work schedule, all days will initially look the same in terms of schedule and data, but once you make changes to the project for a particular day, it is only for this project and is not automatically copied to the other projects of the work schedule.
If you click on the day of the week, like the example below, you will be redirected to that day within the work schedule:
You will then enter the project and can make adjustments using the pencil:
You can then start here as already explained in creating projects.
Adjust a work schedule
A work schedule is usually broadly uniform throughout the week, but it is of course possible that some days require a lighter or heavier staffing. You can make these adjustments after your work schedule has been created.
Remove shifts:
Suppose that you wish to remove 1 block on a Tuesday in the above work schedule, you can do this as follows:
By clicking on the garbage can at the top right of a block, you will delete this shift. After removing the shifts, the work schedule will look like this:
CrewTip! You will notice in the above work schedule that there are no icons of a pencil or a rubbish bin on the yellow shifts. These icons only appear when you move your cursor over a shift.
Add shifts:
It is of course also possible to add shifts to the schedule. Continuing on the above example, we will add an extra shift on Thursday. You can add a shift as follows:
After you click on 'Add shift' you will get the following pop-up for Thursday:
From this overview, select the timing, the function and immediately assign this shift to an employee. But in case this is not known yet, refer to the day and add the shift by editing the project.
As an example, we select Ilse who is immediately scheduled for this shift.
Adjust shifts:
You can do this by selecting the pencil:
We continue on the example above and we want to adjust a shift on Saturday. When you click on the pencil of the shift you want to adjust, this pop-up will appear:
You have the option to adjust the hours of the shift and/or the function, with the result:
Schedule employees on a work schedule
Once the work schedule is ready, you can schedule employees. Filling in a slot in a work schedule is identical to filling in a slot in a project. As soon as you select a shift, the available employees will appear on your left, you select the employee as previously explained by selecting the + sign.
Once the employees have been scheduled, you can easily see whether the Dimona's and contracts for these employees are in order.
The colours of circles indicate the following:
1. Dimona (Belgium only)
Blank: ready to ship | created | planned
Blue: sent | Pending
Green: Accepted
Orange: Warning
Red: Denied | cannot send
2. Contract
Blank: draft
Green: working
Red: canceled | wrong | no show
If you notice that the Dimona or contract has not been processed correctly and the shift will start in the near future. Please contact your Payroll supplier. In doing so, they can follow up and ensure that the employee is in order before his shift starts.
Copy a work schedule
If you want to copy a work schedule, select it. This can be done with or without the employees.
Clicking on the arrow next to Sunday will take you to the next week. If no work schedule exists yet, you will see the following screen.
You can choose to create a new week or to copy a work schedule from a previous week. If you choose to copy a week you will have to select the week of your choice.
When you select the week you will be taken to the next screen. Here you will see an extra field under the days of the week, with which you determine whether the work schedule of the previous week is copied with or without employees.
As an example, we copy the week with employees:
Finally, you will also see the action button next to your work schedule(s), which you can use to export or edit a week.
Under 'Documents' you will find an overview of all documents uploaded by managers or employees. You can use the filters here to quickly find what you are looking for.
You can upload files at the top of the page of the documents by dragging a file from your computer into box:
You also have the option to click on this box and then browse your files on your computer or.
CrewTip! The following types of files can be uploaded:
jpeg - png - pdf - gif - doc - docx - xls - xlsx - odt - txt.
The maximum size of a file is 16MB.
After you have selected the required document, you have the option to change the name, assign a type and assign it to either yourself or an employee.
After selecting “process” your document will be saved, you will then always have the option to download or delete it again.
In the navigation bar to your left you will also find an Administration section. When you select this you will see 3 parts; Invoices, timesheets, reports.
Here you will find the invoices drawn up for you, after you have approved the hours of a past week.
Here you can consult the payment status or the invoice itself, but you also have the option of downloading the invoice as a PDF file. If you would like a specification of the invoice, please consult it by selecting the eye icon.
Time registration
It is important for your payroll supplier to get the hours worked from you as soon as possible. This way they can make a correct payment to the employees every week. CrewPlanner will always point out the projects for which you still need to approve the time registration.
To approve a time registration, select a day in this overview, a pop up will appear in which you can make changes.
In this pop up you can make any necessary adjustments, then you have the choice to save or finish.
Or if you are more in favor of an approach where you consult the various timesheets and save changes. To do this, use the arrows at the top left, and of course if changes have been made, select the “save” button.
Afterwards you can select one or all time registrations still to be completed, at the bottom right you will find a button 'finalize’ and the next project continues. The choice is yours.
After all time registrations have been approved, CrewPlanner will give you an overview of these performances and question whether the invoice for these performances may be processed.
After selecting “process invoice”, a pop up will appear asking you to confirm this.
After this, your payroll supplier will process your invoice, so it is important to pay close attention when approving the hours.
All projects that have been completed are a huge source of useful information. On the one hand, this information is useful for evaluating your projects and, on the other hand, this information forms a detailed basis for making future projects even more efficient and better.
This page has two major components. Consulting the information using the filters and fields and exporting this information in an editable or ready-to-use format.
1. Overview: of the selected data
2. Export button: if you select this you will see a pop up with which you can build your export. You select the fields you need and drag them to the right place. Once you are satisfied, all you have to do is determine what type of document you wish to export.
3. Summary: of the selected data
4. Date range: of your selection
5. Possible fields that you can select
The employee page offers you an overview of the employees who are in your pool, you can easily invite or add employees manually.
If you want to add an employee manually, select this button at the top left of the page. You will then be taken to the registration process.
You fill in all the necessary fields on each tab and then select “add employee”. Your payroll supplier in turn still has to approve this new employee.
If you prefer to let the employee fill in all his / her own details, you can choose to invite the employee. There are 3 options for this.
1. To send an invitation, you only need to enter the first name, surname, email address and language of the employee. If necessary, you can add several employees at the same time in this way.
2. You can upload an excel document in which all the employee data is entered. Please note that on this page you will find an explanation of how to get started with this.
3. Or you use the registration form, with this option you create a link that you can share with the employees. When this link is used, the employees automatically enter the registration process of your payroll environment.
Here you have the option to determine your settings for your payroll environment. On the general page you will find the information regarding your company and its data.
Under attributes you will find the clothing, supplies and tasks that you enter during planning in the projects or work schedules.
In shift functions, you will find the shift functions set for you and their wages set to the different contract types. You do not have the option to adjust this. If a change or addition is required, please contact your payroll supplier.
Finally, you also have an overview of the agreements regarding the invoicing of the hours worked.
We hope this article has helped you!
If you still have questions, take a look at our Crew Academy first. You might find the answer in one of our articles.