Table of contents
With this feature you can collect the documents you need to verifiy from your employees. You can choose what types of documents you require to employ your employees, or to perform identity checks, so that the employee can be correctly verified.
Where can you view this
In SETTINGS, you will find DOCUMENT VERIFICATION in the menubar on the right side.
When you select this, it will take you to the page where you can view the set document verification and/or create new ones.
What is the default setting
The documents which are requested as default setting in CrewPlanner are Proof for verification and Bank card.
You have the option to adjust these by selecting the pencil icon or remove them by selecting the bin icon.
How to set up document verification
To set up a new document verification, select on top CREATE DOCUMENT VERIFICATION.
You will then be guided to the following page:
You will find 6 fields to set up your document verification.
Type: what do you wish to collect
Proof for verification
Bank card
Work permit
Allowed subtypes: here you can make a selection of which documents for this type you would like to see. For example, when you ask the employee to provide proof for verification, you can select Passport and ID card. This way the employee can share 1 of these two with you.
Contract types: here you can make a selection for which contract types this should be requested during the registration process.
Ensure within expiry period: When selected, the employee can only share documents with you if the expiry date is still valid.
Block planning when expired: When selected, if a document has reached its expiration date, this will block the manager from scheduling the employee.
6. Add: once you are satisfied with your settings, select ADD.
What kind of document verification can you set
The types of documents are divided into 3 types. The types of documents you are able to request are slightly different in the UK, as mentioned below.
Proof for verification: allows you to collect a copy of the employee's driver's license, identity card or passport. In the UK you have the additional option birth certificate.
Bank card: allows you to collect a copy of the employee's bank card, and again in the UK you also have the option proof of address.
Work Permit: allows you to collect a copy of the worker's visa or student proof of registration. In the UK you have the options visa, proof of national insurance or biometric residence permit.
If you need several documents for verification, for example both an identity card and a driver's license, you create two lines of document verification.
If the employee is allowed to choose which document to give you for a particular type of verification, you can select multiple options.
When will the employee be asked for document verification
This will be during the registration process for new employees. If you set up a new type of document, already verified employees will not be asked this.
You do have the option to revert the verification of an already verified employee. You do this by editing the employee's profile and unchecking or unticking the APPROVE IDENTITY field and selecting SAVE.
Where can you find the uploaded documents
In DOCUMENTS on the menubar you can find the documents for verification of all your employees.
CrewTip! Use the filters on your right to quickly find all uploaded verified documents.
In addition to the general documents page, you can also search for these on an individual basis by consulting the DOCUMENTS tab in the employee pop-up.
When you edit the employee profile, you will also find the tab VERIFICATION. Here you will also find the shared verified documents.
CrewTip! You will see a CHECKED field for each of the set documents together with a checkbox. This can be used while verifying the employee's profile to indicate that the documents have been checked.
How does the employee experience this
Once the employee completes the registration process, the employee will be asked to add their requested document for verification.
Once the employee has selected a type, they will have the option to directly upload a photo or document.
What happens if the verification document has expired
If you have set this for the type of document, as discussed earlier, the employee will be blocked from being scheduled.
The employee will be asked in the app to add a valid document for verification. If desired, the employee can skip this step to continue in the app, this until the due date of the document. After this date, the employee will not be able to continue in the app until they have added new documents.
How to track document verification for your employees
On the employee page, you have two filters that allow you to track your employees' document verification, being Identification expiration and Status.
Identification expiration
Using this filter, you can actively monitor the identification documents of your existing employees for whom these documents are about to expire. You have the following options in this filter: Not expired, Expired, Expires in 15 days and Expires in 45 days.
This gives you a quick overview and, if necessary, you can contact the desired persons and remind them to upload new documents.
The status of your employees allows you to easily find out which employees have not yet uploaded documents or for whom you still need to take action, such as approving identities or checking documents. In the Status filter, you have the options Requires identity approval, Requires documents, Documents unchecked and Verified for this purpose.
You will also find these statuses on your employees' visiting cards. You can read more about this in this article.
How to edit document verifications
If you wish to edit a document verification, select the pencil icon next to this verification in the overview.
You will then be redirected to the data page of this verification, where you can make the necessary changes.
Always select SAVE to apply these changes.
CrewTip! Please note that if you edit a document verification, employees who are already registered will not be asked for this again. If you want document verification to be asked of already registered but unverified (approve identity) employees, you need to create a new document verification as discussed here earlier. If desired, you can revert employee verifications for this purpose.
How to delete document verifications
You delete a document verification by selecting the bin icon next to this verification in the overview.
Once you select this icon, the pop-up below opens.
The document verification will be deleted after your confirmation.
CrewTip! You will still be able to view documents already uploaded for this document verification in the DOCUMENTS tab in the employee's profile.
We hope this article has helped you!
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